okok I am all that irritating and all that now I lost so many uncountable friends that I think I don have any anymore but wad the hack I do not want to irritate ppl with my blogs and I do not want to irritate ppl in real life ppl say I am stupid ppl say I am am irritating some ppl say I am v boring ppl ppl even say I am naggy is a very special thing but I don think I understand aft reading something today it really breaks my heart I...Do not know what to say but ok lor the society always wins......if you have friends u will be a pain in the butt on someone that is my rule so many things happened today but nothing I could do to stop it I wish I would be a better person and it may be a real hard thing to do.ppl do things for ppl ppl do things love ppl do things for friends ppl do things for ppl......
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